Friday, May 14, 2004
I didn’t really have anything to add to my journal except more writing, more studying, more critiquing of P.O.E. work...until yesterday.
I got an email saying that I’ve been accepted to Clarion 2004. I kept staring at the computer screen thinking, “They must have sent this to the wrong person.” But I changed my way of thinking. I knew that I had written two pretty good stories and that my writing had improved miles since I applied to Clarion West last year. And I believe I’ve gotten better since I wrote those two entry pieces.
But Clarion…wow.
For the past twelve hours I’ve experienced a mixture of elation and nerves. I’m delighted to be a part of this company of writers and can’t wait for it to begin. I’m still a little nervous, but I won’t let anxiety set foot in the room. After all the time I’ve spent with P.O.E. (Publish or Else, a local writers’ group I’m in), I think I’m somewhat prepared for the criticism of my writing. And I also keep thinking of something I heard Orson Scott Card say, that he never for a minute doubted his ability and determination to become a successful writer. Pretty good advice.
So much to do…Get my old lap-top fixed, make travel plans…maybe even write a story.
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