Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Period Pieces/Exposition/Power Position

Thursday, June 24, 2004

We had a couple of period pieces critiqued today. Nancy pointed out that period pieces and alternate history can really be tricky. You've got to provide enough details to let us know where and when we are without it becoming a textbook. If you're writing an alternate history, the original "something" has to be there so that you can depart from it.

No matter when or where your story takes place, NEVER start with long clumps of exposition. It's like trying to play Beethoven when you haven't even learned scales yet. Plus it takes the reader out of the story, possibly never to return.

The last sentences of paragraphs, scenes and the stories themselves are all "power position" sentences. They have to have impact, punch, kick. Don't just slap anything down to end your scene.


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